Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we like to play violent video games?

Video games aren't just a hobby for kids or teens. People of all ages and genders from all walks of life play them, and they're available in nearly every home, handbag and pocket around the world.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Passion is the biggest key to success

"For people who are the best of the best in their field, passion is absolutely the biggest factor. It's the essential key to success," says Hermundur Sigmundsson, a professor in NTNU's Department of Psychology.

Overweight & Obesity

Motivational interviewing not better in weight loss programs

There is no evidence to suggest that motivational interviewing (MI) increases the effectiveness of behavioral weight management programs (BWMPs) for controlling weight, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Motivation to achieve goals may depend on anxiety level

People often have different responses to stress. These distinct behavioral reactions could represent factors that indicate different individual susceptibility to develop certain pathologies such as depression. A research ...

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