
Digging deeper into cannabis use disorder

Earlier this month, Mississippi became the 37th state to legalize medical marijuana, while 27 states have already decriminalized cannabis use for personal consumption.


Molecular imaging links systemic inflammation with depression

New research published in the April issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine reveals that systemic inflammation causes an increase in depressive symptoms and metabolic changes in the parts of the brain responsible for mood ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The secret to staying motivated

Have you ever started off well on a new goal such as losing weight or saving more money, only to find that motivation fizzles after a period of time?


Calling nurses to exercise as role models for their patients

Nurses, just like many of their patients, struggle to find time and motivation to exercise. But a new study may give these all-important caregivers some additional pressure and responsibility: nurses' attitudes can influence ...


Dopamine regulates the motivation to act

The widespread belief that dopamine regulates pleasure could go down in history with the latest research results on the role of this neurotransmitter. Researchers have proved that it regulates motivation, causing individuals ...


Resistance training and exercise motivation go hand-in-hand

A recent study conducted in the University of Jyväskylä suggests that resistance training improves exercise motivation and contributes to making exercise planning among older adults. Exercise motivation and exercise self-efficacy ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Paedophiles identified accurately with implicit association tasks

A combination of two tasks for implied sexual associations has distinguished – with more than 90 per cent certainty – a group of paedophilic men from a group of men with a sexual preference for adult women. In the long ...


Why do people use cannabis during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

People who use cannabis during pregnancy and lactation choose it to manage pregnancy-related symptoms and pre-existing conditions, such as nausea and vomiting, mental health problems, insomnia and more, according to new research ...


Fine-tuning motivation in the brain

A characteristic of depression is a lack of motivation. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Professor Bo Li, in collaboration with CSHL Adjunct Professor Z. Josh Huang, discovered a group of neurons in the mouse brain that ...

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