
Researchers observe memory formation in real time

Why is it that someone who hasn't ridden a bicycle in decades can likely jump on and ride away without a wobble, but could probably not recall more than a name or two from their 3rd grade class?


New research could explain unknown causes of epilepsy

In many cases of epilepsy—a disorder that disrupts the normal pattern of electrical activity in the brain and often results in seizures—the underlying cause is unknown, according to the National Institute of Neurological ...


An appetite map in the brain

Let's face it. As enticing as the idea of starting lunch with a chocolate cake might be, few would actually make that choice when it comes down to it. And yet, at the end of the meal, many would reach for that same cake without ...


Experimental ALS drug may be more effective than existing ones

New research on the experimental drug NU-9, invented and developed by two Northwestern University scientists to treat ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), shows it is more effective than existing FDA-approved drugs for the ...

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