
Video game–based therapy to rehab from a stroke

After a stroke, patients may lose feeling in an arm or experience weakness and reduced movement that limits their ability to complete basic daily activities. Traditional rehabilitation therapy is very intensive, time-consuming ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress damages the movement centers in the brain

Stress seems to have a negative effect on the learning of movements—at least in mice. This is the conclusion of a recent study at the University of Bonn. According to the study, the neurons of rodents lose some of their ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness can help you work better in the cold and wet

Mindfulness can be used by people who work in extremely cold and wet environments to tolerate low temperatures better and so carry out tasks that require motor skills more effectively, according to research published in the ...


Cerebral palsy interventions should be started early

(HealthDay)—When a child meets the criteria of high risk for cerebral palsy (CP), intervention should start as soon as possible, according to an international clinical practice guideline published online May 17 in JAMA ...


Exercise aids the cognitive development of children born preterm

A premature start in life can cause problems even into teenage years. A study by the University of Basel and the University Children's Hospital Basel (UKBB) indicates that training motor skills in these children helps even ...

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