
Study: Big brains allow dexterous hands

People are skilled with their hands, but take a long time to learn dexterous abilities. It takes babies generally around five months before they can purposely grip an object. Learning more complicated skills such as eating ...

Attention deficit disorders

US approves first 'digital therapeutic' game for ADHD (Update)

US health officials have approved the first game-based treatment for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, part of a trend toward "digital therapeutics" or software to address certain conditions.


How the brain regulates variability in motor functions

Anyone who has ever tried to serve a tennis ball or flip a pancake or even play a video game knows, it is hard to perform the same motion over and over again. But don't beat yourself up—errors resulting from variability ...


European workers fail to hydrate properly

A newly published scientific paper indicates that occupational safety and daily day performance in seven out of 10 workers from several European industries are negatively affected by a combination of heat stress and failure ...


The brain mechanism behind multitasking

Although "multitasking" is a popular buzzword, research shows that only 2% of the population actually multitasks efficiently. Most of us just shift back and forth between different tasks, a process that requires our brains ...


Simple urine test for motor neurone disease

A researcher at Flinders University has developed a simple urine test that gives a quantitative measure of the severity of motor neurone disease.

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