
Why evolutionarily ancient brain areas are important

Structures in the midbrain that developed early in evolution can be responsible for functions in newborns which in adults are taken over by the cerebral cortex. New evidence for this theory has been found in the visual system ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Research links Parkinson's disease and neuroticism

New research from the Florida State University College of Medicine has found that the personality trait neuroticism is consistently associated with a higher risk of developing the brain disorder Parkinson's disease.


Fighting diabetes lying down?

Lying down all day can have serious implications – but according to a new study a short stint spent horizontal may be an effective way to fight type 2 diabetes.


Scientists record powerful signal in the brain's white matter

The human brain is made up of two kinds of matter: the nerve cell bodies (gray matter), which process sensation, control voluntary movement, and enable speech, learning and cognition, and the axons (white matter), which connect ...

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