
Study investigates brain structure of transgender people

Researchers at the University of São Paulo's Medical School (FM-USP) in Brazil used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to complete the first study conducted in Latin America to investigate brain volumes in transgender individuals. ...


A simple blood sample indicates how serious a head trauma is

A simple blood sample to diagnose patients with traumatic brain injury is an innovation enabled by researchers at Örebro University. In a new study, reported in Nature Communications, they have identified biomarkers in the ...


Newborn babies' brains reveal new insights in child development

Researchers publishing in Nature Human Behaviour, looked at how different (asymmetrical) the left and right side of babies' brains were in terms of their shape and patterns of brain activity to establish a benchmark for future ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Music improves social communication in autistic children

Engaging in musical activities such as singing and playing instruments in one-on-one therapy can improve autistic children's social communication skills, improve their family's quality of life, as well as increase brain connectivity ...

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