Psychology & Psychiatry

How toddler-mother attachment impacts adolescent brain and behavior

Interpersonal trust is a crucial component of healthy relationships. When we interact with strangers, we quickly gage whether we can trust them. And those important social skills may be shaped by our earliest relationship ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why words become harder to remember as we get older

As we get older, we find it increasingly difficult to have the right words ready at the right moment—even though our vocabulary actually grows continuously over the course of our lives. Until now, it was unclear why this ...

Radiology & Imaging

Study finds variations in quantitative MRI scanners' measurements

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used in medicine to detect, diagnose and treat diseases such as cancer, while relying on experts' interpretation of images. Quantitative MRI, which obtains numerical measurements ...


Mouse brain imaged from the microscopic to the macroscopic level

Researchers at the University of Chicago and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have leveraged existing advanced X-ray microscopy techniques to bridge the gap between MRI (magnetic resonance ...


A new understanding of how the human brain controls the hands

Understanding how the brain controls certain actions—such picking up a knife in the correct way—is important for many reasons. One of these is working towards the development of brain-computer interfaces that may help ...

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