
MRI technology visualizes heart metabolism in real time

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become an indispensable part of medicine. It allows unique insights into the body and diagnosis of various diseases. However, current MRI technology has its limitations: although it can ...

Radiology & Imaging

Quantum technology for cancer imaging

Tracing the metabolism of tumor cells using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has not been feasible in routine clinical settings hitherto. Now, an interdisciplinary research team including the Technical University of Munich ...

Radiology & Imaging

Mayo Clinic studies patient privacy in MRI research

Though identifying data typically are removed from medical image files before they are shared for research, a Mayo Clinic study finds that this may not be enough to protect patient privacy.

Radiology & Imaging

Obesity linked with differences in form and structure of the brain

Researchers using sophisticated MRI technology have found that higher levels of body fat are associated with differences in the brain's form and structure, including smaller volumes of gray matter, according to a study published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers factoring in how children learn mathematics

What is 72 multiplied by 12? While fourth-graders will focus on arriving at the correct answer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln researcher Carrie Clark wants to know what happens in the brain as they learn to solve the problem.

Oncology & Cancer

Increasing the odds of prostate cancer detection

For three years, Andrew Harder wondered if he had prostate cancer. In 2009, he had routine blood work that revealed an elevated prostate-specific antigen level. When PSA is above 4 nanograms per milliliter of blood, it can ...


Ultrasound technology records tongues in action

Researchers from five Scottish universities are using ultrasound and MRI technology to build a three dimensional visualisation of tongues in action during speech.

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