Medical research

How gut microbes help mend damaged muscles

The human immune system is incredibly versatile. Among its most skilled multitaskers are T cells, known for their role in everything from fighting infection to reining in inflammation to killing nascent tumors.


Toxic protein linked to muscular dystrophy and arhinia

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health and their colleagues have found that a toxic protein made by the body called DUX4 may be the cause of two very different rare genetic disorders. For patients who have facioscapulohumeral ...


Heart attack on a chip shows how heart changes after the event

Researchers at the University of Southern California Alfred E. Mann Department of Biomedical Engineering have developed a "heart attack on a chip," a device that could one day serve as a testbed to develop new heart drugs ...


Study of rare bone disease reaches important milestone

Progress by a UMass Chan Medical School researcher in developing a gene therapy for a rare, crippling bone disease has reached an important milestone with demonstration of proof-of-concept in a humanized mouse model of fibrodysplasia ...

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