Arthritis & Rheumatism

How the obesity epidemic is taking a toll on our bones and joints

Deb Baranec wasn't always obese. As a teenager, she carried a few extra pounds but managed it by being active. Her weight crept up, however, and by the time she suffered her first knee injury while skiing at the age of 27, ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Gym break won't mean you lose muscle mass

Our muscles grow as a result of regular exercise and can waste away when not frequently or strenuously used, leading to the popular maxim: "Use it or lose it." But a new review of what we know about muscles during periods ...


New method for studying ALS more effectively

The neurodegenerative disease ALS causes motor neuron death and paralysis. However, long before the cells die, they lose contact with muscles as their axons atrophy. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have now ...

Medical research

Test to save patients from invasive open biopsies

University of Queensland researchers are developing diagnostic tests for a genetic condition which can cause the body to fatally overheat while under a general anaesthetic.

Medical research

Want to cure disease? Repurpose the body's cells

If one part of the body breaks, can you just replace it with cells from another organ? That's the hope of stem cell scientists who are reprogramming cells to treat major conditions such as incontinence and heart failure.

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