
Use 'proper form' when practicing yoga

(HealthDay)—Yoga can make you flexible and strong, but it can also hurt you if not practiced correctly, an orthopedic expert warns.


Imaging plays key role in evaluating injuries at Olympics

The Olympic Games give elite athletes a chance at athletic triumph, but also carry a risk of injury. When injuries occur, it is critical that they be evaluated quickly. Onsite imaging services play an important role in the ...

Medical research

Muscle paralysis may increase bone loss

Muscle paralysis rapidly causes inflammation in nearby bone marrow, which may promote the formation of large cells that break down bone, a new study finds. The article is published in the American Journal of Physiology—Cell ...


Preventing sports injuries

(HealthDay)—Simple steps can help keep you from being sidelined by a sports injury.


Which stretches to do, avoid

Dear Mayo Clinic: I recently started jogging for exercise. I have been stretching before each run, but I've heard that some stretches increase your risk of injury. Which stretches should I do, and which should I avoid?


Diagnosing and treating compartment syndrome in athletes

Each of our arms and legs have compartments that contain muscles and nerves which are surrounded by tough walls of tissue called fascia. When we experience an injury or overuse muscles, these compartments can fill with fluid ...

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