Medical research

Muscle stem cells compiled in 'atlas'

Muscle repair is a crowded, complicated business. Many different types of cells are bumping around, chattering and trying to coordinate with each other as they work to regenerate new tissue.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers identify mechanisms of MYH9-related blood disease

Ouch, you've cut your finger! As you fumble to grab a tissue, the paramedics in your blood are already rushing to the scene. These blood cells, called platelets, morph in shape from round to spiny, sticking to each other ...

Medical research

The future of human healing lies in the brain of a starfish

The incredible benefits of stem cell therapy have been widely known for decades. It can alleviate the pain of arthritis, and help patients heal exponentially faster after surgery. But stem cell therapies are prohibitively ...

Medical research

WFIRM scientists push bioprinting capability forward

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) scientists are the first to report using bioprinting to print a tracheal tissue construct comprised of multiple different functional materials. They printed different ...

Medical research

Tendon stem cells could revolutionize injury recovery

The buildup of scar tissue makes recovery from torn rotator cuffs, jumper's knee, and other tendon injuries a painful, challenging process, often leading to secondary tendon ruptures. New research led by Carnegie's Chen-Ming ...

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