
What happens in the bodies of ALS patients?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an incurable disease of the central nervous system. In most cases, ALS is fatal within a short period following diagnosis. However, people sometimes live with the disease for decades, ...

Medical research

Development of a technology to produce dorsal cortical neurons

Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI, President Pann Ghill Suh) announced on Mar. 4 that its research team led by principal researcher Yoichi Kosodo has developed a technology to mass produce cerebral cortex neurons utilizing ...

Medical research

New technique shows promise for heart muscle regeneration

Researchers at Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore, have developed an approach to regenerate heart muscle using stem cells. Their method for priming stem cells to become heart tissues could potentially enable heart regeneration ...

Medical research

Spinal organoids mimic neurodegenerative disease

'Organoids' that mimic the developing spinal cord could assist research and drug development for neurodegenerative diseases such as spinal muscular atrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Medical research

Oscillation in muscle tissue

When a muscle grows or a muscle injury heals, some stem cells develop into new muscle cells. A research team at the MDC led by Carmen Birchmeier has now described in the journal Genes & Development how this process is regulated ...


Potential new treatment for heart attack

Scientists have found a potential new drug for treating the heart damage caused by a heart attack by targeting the way the heart reacts to stress, according to new research published in the journal, Cell Stem Cell and part-funded ...

Medical research

Researchers develop drug to rejuvenate muscle cells

Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston have developed a promising drug that has proven to significantly increase muscle size, strength and metabolic state in aged mice, according to a study just ...

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