
New mouse model of ALS more closely mimics human disease

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a progressive, fatal neurological disease that attacks the nerve cells controlling voluntary muscles. No effective treatments have been found.

Autism spectrum disorders

Finding the clues for better autism treatments

As a researcher at Harvard Medical School, Christopher W. Cowan, Ph.D., used to watch autistic kids come onto campus to attend a special school.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gene links risk of psychiatric disease to reduced synapse numbers

New research led by UC San Francisco scientists has revealed that mutations in a gene linked with brain development may dispose people to multiple forms of psychiatric disease by changing the way brain cells communicate.

Oncology & Cancer

A new tumor suppressor gene for breast cancer in mice

Researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology revealed a role for an X-linked protein kinase Nrk in terminating the proliferation of mammary epithelial cells during pregnancy and thereby preventing breast tumorigenesis in ...


From DNA to disease, study describes rare, new brain disorder

In rare cases—for instance, among siblings in two families from Pakistan and Oman described in a new study—children have been born with an unnamed neurological disorder. Now researchers have not only identified the genetic ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Parkinson's disease: New insights into a traveling protein

In Parkinson's disease, the protein "alpha-synuclein" aggregates within neurons of patients and appears to propagate across interconnected areas of the brain. How this happens remains largely unknown. It has been proposed ...

Medical research

Gene fuels age-related obesity and diabetes

Practically everyone gets fatter as they get older, but some people can blame their genes for the extra padding. Researchers have shown that two different mutations in a gene called ankyrin-B cause cells to suck up glucose ...


Finding the body clock's molecular reset button

An international team of scientists has discovered what amounts to a molecular reset button for our internal body clock. Their findings reveal a potential target to treat a range of disorders, from sleep disturbances to other ...

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