Medical research

Metabolic response behind reduced cancer cell growth

Researchers from Uppsala University show in a new study that inhibition of the protein EZH2 can reduce the growth of cancer cells in the blood cancer multiple myeloma. The reduction is caused by changes in the cancer cells' ...

Oncology & Cancer

New insights into how the drug pomalidomide fights cancer

Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the white blood cells, and patients diagnosed with this disease commonly die within five years. Clinicians often treat multiple myeloma with the drug thalidomide and structurally similar drugs ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cell-weighing method could help doctors choose cancer drugs

Doctors have many drugs available to treat multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. However, there is no way to predict, by genetic markers or other means, how a patient will respond to a particular drug. This can lead to ...

Oncology & Cancer

A first: All respond to gene therapy in a blood cancer study

Doctors are reporting unprecedented success from a new cell and gene therapy for multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that's on the rise. Although it's early and the study is small—35 people—every patient responded and all ...

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