Psychology & Psychiatry

Professor defines connection between narcissism and envy

Understanding the relationship between narcissism and envy may provide some insight into sudden outbursts of aggressive behavior. Narcissism has long been associated with envy in the field of psychology, but an Iowa State ...

Medical research

Narcissism linked to aggression in review of 437 studies

A comprehensive analysis of 437 studies from around the world provides the best evidence to date that narcissism is an important risk factor for both aggression and violence, researchers said.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why can't some people admit defeat when they lose?

When US President-Elect Joe Biden and Deputy Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris gave their victory speeches on Saturday evening, local time, the tally of Electoral College votes showed they had decisively passed the crucial ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Grandiose narcissism reflects U.S. presidents' bright and dark sides

Narcissus, the physically flawless character of Greek mythology who wound up falling in love with his own reflection, hardly seems like a good role model. For those dreaming of becoming president of the United States, however, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

From Love Island to HD brows, what you need to know about narcissism

The TV show of the summer, Love Island, is fascinating for many viewers – but especially so for personality psychologists. Mainly because the programme is a parade of rampant narcissism. Even if you can't quite define it, ...

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