Medical research

GlyNAC supplementation extends life span in mice

"Just like a car is subject to wear and tear over many years of use, limiting how long it works well, the natural aging process can progressively deteriorate the body and limit lifespan," said Rajagopal Sekhar.

Medical research

Pituitary gland aging can potentially be slowed down

Stem cell biologist Hugo Vankelecom (KU Leuven) and his colleagues have discovered that the pituitary gland in mice ages as the result of an age-related form of chronic inflammation. It may be possible to slow down this process ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Why ageing should be classified as a disease

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, doctors and philosophers have argued whether ageing is a disease or a natural process. Many authors of the Hippocratic Corpus argued that growing old invariably leads to frailty, disability ...


Concussions and head impacts may accelerate brain aging

Concussions and even lesser head impacts may speed up the brain's natural aging process by causing signaling pathways in the brain to break down more quickly than they would in someone who has never suffered a brain injury ...

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