Medical research

Between B cells and T cells

Mature cells develop through a number of immature stages. During this process, they must remember the specialization they are committed to. For immune system B cells, Rudolf Grosschedl of the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology ...


Vaccines beat natural immunity in fight against COVID-19

A common reason cited for not getting vaccinated against COVID-19—especially among the young and healthy—is "I trust my immune system" or some variation of that line. The same goes for those who have already had the virus ...


Does running a marathon suppress your immune system?

It is commonly believed that some forms of exercise, such as endurance events, suppress your immune system and leave you at risk of infections, like the common cold. However, our latest review of the evidence suggests that ...


A mother's touch may protect against drug cravings later

An attentive, nurturing mother may be able to help her children better resist the temptations of drug use later in life, according to a study in rats conducted by Duke University and the University of Adelaide in Australia.

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