
New genome sequencing sheds light on diversity in Africa

Analysis of the genomes of hundreds of people from across Africa has shed light on ancient migrations and modern susceptibility and resistance to disease, revealing unexpected genetic diversity.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

We are mutating SARS-CoV-2, but it is evolving back

Scientists investigating the evolution of the virus that causes COVID-19 say that its mutation seems to be directed by human proteins that degrade it, but natural selection of the virus enables it to bounce back. The findings ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Researchers find a link between genes and preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is globally a leading cause of illness and deaths among mothers and their babies. This severe pregnancy disorder occurs in up to five percent of all pregnancies.


How can you sleep during a solo sailing race?

You are alone on a small sailing boat with more than four thousand miles of ocean ahead and you are up against approximately 80 sailors. It will take you three or four weeks to get to the finishing line. But how will you ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Want to save the planet? Stop trying to be its friend

A new theory suggests that we think of our relationship with the environment like a social exchange, leading to the belief that 'environmentally friendly' behavior can compensate for 'harmful' behavior.


Evolution of psychiatric disorders and human personality traits

How and why human-unique characteristics such as highly social behavior, languages and complex culture have evolved is a long-standing question. A research team led by Tohoku University in Japan has revealed the evolution ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychological link between conspiracy theories and creationism

Ask a three-year-old why they think it's raining, and she may say "because the flowers are thirsty." Her brother might also tell you that trees have leaves to provide shade for people and animals. These are instances of teleological ...

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