Medical research

Friendly bacteria are protective against malaria

In a breakthrough study to be published on the December 4th issue of the prestigious scientific journal Cell, a research team led by Miguel Soares at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC; Portugal) discovered that specific ...


Study: Confusion surrounds added vs. natural sugar in drinks

(Medical Xpress)—Consumers who are more concerned about what types of sugars are in their drinks will likely choose a less-sweetened beverage, although most people don't know the difference between natural and added sugars, ...

Medical research

First clinical trial of red wine ingredient shows metabolic shifts

When obese men take a relatively small dose of resveratrol in purified form every day for a month, their metabolisms change for the better. In fact, the effects appear to be as good for us as severe calorie restriction. Resveratrol ...


Tips for safer picnics

Picnics can be a fun way to enjoy the summer season. But improper handling of the food can mean trouble in the form of food-borne germs. Before you fill your cooler, review these tips for safer picnics.


On nutrition: Comparing honey and molasses

When my son-in-law hinted that he was out of my granola and it "was the only thing that tasted good" when he was sick, I knew it was time to make another batch. Then I received this letter: "I sure enjoy your columns on food ...


Drugs from lizard saliva reduces the cravings for food

A drug made from the saliva of the Gila monster lizard is effective in reducing the craving for food. Researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, have tested the drug on rats, who after treatment ceased ...

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