Alzheimer's disease & dementia

People with increased risk of Alzheimer's have deficits in navigating

Animals and humans have the ability to follow their own position in space through self-motion cues, even in the absence of any other sensory information. "If you get up at night and want to find your way to the bathroom in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Virtual reality improves game-based navigational efficiency

Individuals playing a virtual reality (VR)-based game showed a higher navigational efficiency and less disorientation than those playing a non-VR immersive desktop version, according to a study in the peer-reviewed journal ...


How single neurons and brain networks support spatial navigation

Spatial navigation is an essential cognitive function, which is frequently impaired in patients suffering from neurological and psychiatric disorders. Research groups worldwide have studied the neuronal basis of spatial navigation, ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

The mobile game that can detect Alzheimer's risk

A specially designed mobile phone game can detect people at risk of Alzheimer's – according to new research from the University of East Anglia.

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