
Mothers' education significant to children's academic success

A mother knows best—and the amount of education she attains can predict her children's success in reading and math. In fact, that success is greater if she had her child later in life, according to a new University of Michigan ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study examines psychology of workaholism

Even in a culture that lionizes hard work, workaholism tends to produce negative impacts for employers and employees, according to a new study from a University of Georgia researcher.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Moral tales with positive outcomes motivate kids to be honest

A moral story that praises a character's honesty is more effective at getting young children to tell the truth than a story that emphasizes the negative repercussions of lying, according to research published in Psychological ...


Alcohol kills one person every 10 seconds worldwide

Alcohol kills 3.3 million people worldwide each year, more than AIDS, tuberculosis and violence combined, the World Health Organization said Monday, warning that booze consumption was on the rise.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Video games linked to aggressive behavior in kids

Youths who play video games are more likely to think and act in aggressive ways, suggested a study out Monday of more than 3,000 schoolchildren in Singapore.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Incarceration has no effect on nonresident fathers' parenting

A prison sentence may not always have negative consequences for children of the incarcerated, says University of California, Irvine sociologist Kristin Turney. In a new study, she finds that when an uninvolved dad spends ...

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