Psychology & Psychiatry

Social rejection can boost creativity, researchers find

(Medical Xpress)—Social misfits, rejoice. You might be more like Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga and Albert Einstein than you realize, if rejection boosts your creativity, reports a new Cornell study.


Women on Pill pick a dud in bed but a dude in the home

Women who take the Pill tend to choose as partners men who are less attractive and worse in bed but a sounder bet for a long-term relationship, according to an unusual study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society ...

Medical research

Fail-safe system may lead to cures for inherited disorders

Scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have uncovered a previously unknown fail-safe (compensatory) pathway that potentially protects the brain and other organs from genetic and environmental ...

Overweight & Obesity

Good sleep habits important for overweight adults, study suggests

New research from Oregon Health & Science University reveals negative health consequences for people who are overweight and ignore their body's signals to sleep at night, with specific differences between men and women.

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