Psychology & Psychiatry

How social networking keeps people healthy

Have you ever wanted to tell someone about a tough day at work or scary medical news, but felt nervous about calling a friend to share what's going on?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Smarter apps to help fight the scourge of eating disorders

Around 20 million people in the EU suffer from eating disorders with an annual associated cost of EUR 1 trillion. Debilitating and stressful at best, at worst fatal, those suffering can face long delays in getting treatment. ...


Managing negative emotions can help pregnant smokers quit

A new study by scientists in the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions has shown that pregnant smokers are more likely to quit if they can learn to manage negative emotions that lead to smoking.


Pain, emotions and the placebo effect

In a pioneering study, researchers at the University of Luxembourg used fMRI technology to show that a person's ability to reinterpret negative events and to control feelings influences how strongly a placebo will work to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Feeling bad about feeling bad can make you feel worse

Pressure to feel upbeat can make you feel downbeat, while embracing your darker moods can actually make you feel better in the long run, according to new UC Berkeley research.

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