Psychology & Psychiatry

The surprising benefits of being a pessimist

How many times have you been told that something great will happen as long as you believe it is possible? From pop psychology books to self-improvement seminars and blogs, there's a lot of hype surrounding the advantages ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

People see through bosses who fake it

Previous research has shown that suppressing your emotions can result in increased stress, burnout and poor relationships. However, there has been very little research into how managers regulate their emotions – until now.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Less focused on recurrent bad feelings through probiotics

People focus less on bad feelings and experiences from the past (i.e. rumination) after four weeks of probiotics administration. Psychologists Laura Steenbergen and Lorenza Colzato from the Leiden Institute of Brain and Cognition ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Don't think you have enough self-control? Try believing that you do

Around this time each year, my family and I, as well as Jews around the world, celebrate Passover. Like many Jewish holidays, this one features a range of symbolic foods and eating a large meal. And like many Jewish holidays, ...

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