Psychology & Psychiatry

MRI reveals brain activity behind fanaticism

Soccer fans exhibit different patterns of brain activation while watching a match that may trigger positive and negative emotions and behaviors, according to research being presented next week at the annual meeting of the ...


Fixing racial inequities in lupus care

Receiving a lupus diagnosis can be a long and frustrating journey. For Black adults, this already difficult process is usually even more drawn out and comes with its own types of challenges. Sadly, racial inequities are a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How movies use music to manipulate your memory

Around one in five American adults manage to squeeze in watching a movie on a daily basis. It's a great way to escape the daily grind and unwind with loved ones. But, what can you actually remember about last night's film?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why emotions stirred by music create such powerful memories

Time flows in a continuous stream—yet our memories are divided into separate episodes, all of which become part of our personal narrative. How emotions shape this memory formation process is a mystery that science has only ...


Air pollution found to increase the risk of cardiac arrest

Air pollution is the fourth largest risk factor for premature death. New research from the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) shows that even very low levels of air pollution can be associated with increased risk. ...

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