Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Liver illness strikes Latino children like a 'silent tsunami'

Saira Diaz uses her fingers to count the establishments selling fast food and sweets near the South Los Angeles home she shares with her parents and 13-year-old son. "There's one, two, three, four, five fast-food restaurants," ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Study links neighborhood affluence, positive birth outcomes

It's not uncommon for new parents to relocate in search of neighborhoods with better schools, safer streets and healthier, more kid-friendly activities. But a new study led by University of California, Irvine sociologist ...


Study links unhealthy segregated neighborhoods to childhood asthma

Researchers have had trouble explaining why black children are much more likely than other children to suffer from asthma. A new study by Princeton University strongly suggests that much of the answer lies in persistent residential ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Poor neighborhoods create misfortune, ill health

Residents of poorer Chicago neighborhoods are more likely to suffer terrible life events—and their health suffers as a result, according to a new Duke University study.


Survey shows limited use of sex offender registry

Texas has the second largest sex offender registry in the country, but relatively few people are accessing it or using it to develop protective actions against future sex crimes, a study by the Crime Victims' Institute at ...


Race, income in neighborhoods tied to cardiac arrest survival

Socioeconomics might impact the chance of surviving a cardiac arrest, suggests a new study that found survival rates are lower in heavily black than in heavily white neighborhoods, and in low- and middle-income areas compared ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Best friends may help poor kids succeed

(HealthDay)—Children who grow up in poor neighborhoods face more obstacles in life, but new research suggests that having a best friend can help these kids succeed.

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