Obstetrics & gynaecology

Having sex does not appear to expedite labor onset

(HealthDay)—Coital activity does not expedite labor or reduce the need for labor induction, according to a study published online Nov. 12 in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Flu shot during pregnancy shows unexpected benefits in large study

Getting a flu shot during pregnancy provides unanticipated benefits to the baby, according to the authors of a large population-based study examining the issue. Specifically, the study showed that H1N1 vaccination during ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Pregnancy model shows obstacles to remote care

Estimates of the cost of pregnancy in Western Australia have revealed those with inadequate access to antenatal care, mostly those in remote areas, are paying $2,581 more than those with access.

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