Medical research

Hybrid tunnel may help guide severed nerves back to health

Building a tunnel made up of both hard and soft materials to guide the reconnection of severed nerve endings may be the first step toward helping patients who have suffered extensive nerve trauma regain feeling and movement, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Australians trial Botox to treat hay fever

The best-selling wrinkle erasing drug Botox will be used in an Australian study to treat hay fever, researchers said Tuesday after it showed promise in providing relief in early trials.


Hearing can be permanently damaged, expert warns

(Medical Xpress) -- Summer can be really fun, but also quite noisy. And with 4th of July coming up, the fireworks can reach 150 decibels. While the pyrotechnic displays are exhilarating to watch, hearing experts hope you'll ...


Protecting the brain when energy runs low

Researchers from the Universities of Leeds, Edinburgh and Dundee have shed new light on the way that the brain protects itself from harm when 'running on empty.'


Nurses boost well-being for cancer survivors

The Queensland University of Technology (QUT ) School of Nursing and Midwifery, in Brisbane, Australia, has designed a program to assist cancer survivors in self-managing their health and emotional concerns.

Medical research

Body suit may soon enable the paralyzed to walk

In a busy lab at Duke University, Dr. Miguel Nicolelis is merging brain science with engineering in a bid to create something fantastical: a full-body prosthetic device that would allow those immobilized by injury to walk ...

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