
The clitoris—a brief history

"What's the difference between a bar and clitoris? Most men have no trouble finding a bar." In the world of humour, the clitoris remains a mystery: supposedly small, and so inevitably difficult to locate. "Which dinosaur ...


Alzheimer's disease may start inside nerve cells

An experimental study from Lund University in Sweden has revealed that the Alzheimer's protein amyloid-beta accumulates inside nerve cells, and that the misfolded protein may then spread from cell to cell via nerve fibers. ...


Helping damaged nerves to re-grow

Severed nerve tracts are very difficult to treat. If at all, the damage so far can only be repaired through complex operations. At the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, we have developed materials that stimulate ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Not all multiple-sclerosis-like diseases are alike

An antibody appears to make a big difference between multiple sclerosis and other disorders affecting the protective myelin sheath around nerve fibers, report Tohoku University scientists and colleagues in the journal Brain. ...


Interactions discovered in cells insulating nerve pathways

Schwann cells form a protective sheath around nerve fibres and ensure that nerve impulses are transmitted rapidly. If these cells are missing or damaged, severe neurological diseases may occur as a result. Researchers at ...

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