Inflammatory disorders

Scientists reveal mechanism for colon pain and inflammation

Researchers at the NYU Pain Research Center have identified a mechanism that underlies inflammation and pain in the colon, and demonstrated that blocking a key receptor from entering colon cells can inhibit inflammation and ...


The protein dress of a neuron

Where in a nerve cell is a certain receptor protein located? Without an answer to this question, it is difficult to draw firm conclusions about the function of this protein. Two scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology ...


'Chemical earmuffs' could prevent hearing loss

Once you start to lose your hearing, you can't get it back. But what if you could prevent hearing loss by blocking in advance the effects of loud noises?


Nerve cell protection free from side effects

The hormone erythropoietin (Epo) is a well-known doping substance that has a long history of abuse in endurance sports such as cycling. In addition to promoting red blood cell production (erythropoiesis), which improves the ...


Research sheds new light on how brain stem cells are activated

Our brains are notoriously bad at regenerating cells that have been lost through injury or disease. While therapies using neural stem cells (NSCs) hold the promise of replacing lost cells, scientists need to better understand ...

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