
The yin and yang of sleep and attention

Being able to pay attention during the day relies on doing the exact opposite at night, according to University of Queensland scientists.

Medical research

Novel technology aims to improve treatment of neurological diseases

A recently developed system for switching on the activity of genes could improve treatments for a broad range of neurological diseases. Esteban Engel, a researcher in viral neuroengineering in the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, ...


Could repeated squeezes to the arms, legs protect the brain?

What if wearing a blood pressure cuff could help prevent stroke? In a new study, people who restricted their blood flow by wearing inflated blood pressure cuffs on an arm and leg showed signs of more controlled blood flow ...


Confronting the side effects of a common anti-cancer treatment

Results of a new study by neuroscientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the University of Toronto suggest that a new treatment approach is needed—and how this may be possible—to address adverse effects ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How herpes checks into the nervous system for life

Herpes type 1 is sealed with a kiss for a lifetime. More than half of U.S. adults are carriers of HSV1 (herpes simplex virus type 1) which hibernates in the peripheral nervous system and can never be eradicated.

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