
Attention and awareness uncoupled in brain imaging experiments

In everyday life, attention and awareness appear tightly interwoven. Attending to the scissors on the right side of your desk, you become aware of their attributes, for example the red handles. Vice versa, the red handles ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Formation of habitual use drives cannabis addiction

A shift from brain systems controlling reward-driven use to habit-driven use differentiates heavy cannabis users who are addicted to the drug from users who aren't, according to a study in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive ...


Neuronal cultures advance 'brain-on-a-chip' technology

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have increased the complexity of neuronal cultures grown on microelectrode arrays, a key step toward more accurately reproducing the cellular composition of the human ...


Deep sleep reinforces the learning of new motor skills

The benefits of a good night's sleep have become widely known, and now neuroscientists at UC San Francisco have discovered that the animal brain reinforces motor skills during deep sleep.

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