Medical research

Not-so-blind mice can make strategic and acute visual choices

New research from the RIKEN Center for Brain Science shows that mice can teach us about decision-making strategies. Mice in the study autonomously trained themselves to make decisions about detailed pictures on a screen. ...


'The focea': A region of improved vision in mice

Mice are an important animal model of human vision due to the powerful genetic tools available in this species. However, mouse vision was thought to be different to that of humans because humans have a region of the retina ...


Study shows how our brains sync hearing with vision

Every high-school physics student learns that sound and light travel at very different speeds. If the brain did not account for this difference, it would be much harder for us to tell where sounds came from, and how they ...


New neuroelectronic system can read and modify brain circuits

As researchers learn more about the brain, it has become clear that responsive neurostimulation is becoming increasingly effective at probing neural circuit function and treating neuropsychiatric disorders, such as epilepsy ...

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