Medical research

Study in mice yields Angelman advance

In a new study in mice, a scientific collaboration centered at Brown University lays out in unprecedented detail a neurological signaling breakdown in Angelman syndrome, a disorder that affects thousands of children each ...


Novel immunotherapy boosts long-term stroke recovery in mice

Specialized immune cells that accumulate in the brain in the days and weeks after a stroke promote neural functions in mice, pointing to a potential immunotherapy that may boost recovery after the acute injury is over, University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression linked to reduced temporofrontolimbic coupling

(HealthDay) -- Patients with remitted major depressive disorder (MDD) have reduced guilt-selective temporofrontolimbic coupling between the right superior anterior temporal lobe (ATL) and subgenual cingulate cortex and adjacent ...


How marketing decoys influence decision-making

The neural underpinnings of the decoy effect—a marketing strategy in which one of three presented options is unlikely to be chosen but may influence how an individual decides between the other two options—are investigated ...

Medical research

There's life after radiation for brain cells

Scientists have long believed that healthy brain cells, once damaged by radiation designed to kill brain tumors, cannot regenerate. But new Johns Hopkins research in mice suggests that neural stem cells, the body's source ...

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