
Scientists find vision relates to movement

To get a better look at the world around them, animals constantly are in motion. Primates and people use complex eye movements to focus their vision (as humans do when reading, for instance); birds, insects, and rodents do ...

Health informatics

Biologists train AI to generate medicines and vaccines

Scientists have developed artificial intelligence software that can create proteins that may be useful as vaccines, cancer treatments, or even tools for pulling carbon pollution out of the air.


Team develops AI to decode brain signals and predict behavior

An artificial neural network (AI) designed by an international team involving UCL can translate raw data from brain activity, paving the way for new discoveries and a closer integration between technology and the brain.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exploring the neural underpinnings of mind wandering

Mind wandering occurs when a person's attention shifts from things that are happening in her present environment to internal thought processes. For instance, while cooking or attending a lesson, one might start thinking about ...


Can MRI predict intelligence levels in children?

A group of researchers from the Skoltech Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering (CDISE) took 4th place in the international MRI-based adolescent intelligence prediction competition. For the first ...


Researcher creates neurons that light up as they fire

In a scientific first that potentially could shed new light on how signals travel in the brain, how learning alters neural pathways, and might lead to speedier drug development, scientists at Harvard have created genetically-altered ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How do we learn to speak and read?

Do you remember how you learned to speak? Most people do not recall learning how to talk, or know how it is that they can understand others. The process involves a complex coordination of moving air from our lungs in coordination ...

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