Psychology & Psychiatry

How are epilepsy and autism linked?

Epilepsy and autism spectrum disorders, or ASD, show a remarkable degree of comorbidity and may share pathological mechanisms. Questions that have bogged down scientists about these disorders include: Does autism lead to ...


Call-and-response circuit tells neurons when to grow synapses

Brain cells called astrocytes play a key role in helping neurons develop and function properly, but there's still a lot scientists don't understand about how astrocytes perform these important jobs. Now, a team of scientists ...


Gene therapy shows early promise as angelman syndrome treatment

Scientists at the UNC School of Medicine have reported in the journal JCI Insight encouraging early tests of a gene therapy strategy against Angelman syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder that features poor muscle control ...


Excitatory neural receptors aid development of adult-born neurons

A unique interaction between an excitatory neural receptor and a chloride transporter are critical for development of adult-born neurons in the dentate gyrus, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Cell Reports.


New findings in the field of perinatal brain injury

A new study, led by researchers at the University of Gothenburg, have generated the first comprehensive transcriptional atlas of neonatal mouse meningeal leukocytes, under normal conditions and after perinatal brain injury. ...

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