Medical research

A clear view of the nervous system

A new and versatile imaging technique enables researchers to trace the trajectories of whole nerve cells and provides extensive insights into the structure of neuronal networks.


Neural connections mapped with unprecedented detail

A team of neuroscientists at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, in Lisbon, has been able to map single neural connections over long distances in the brain. "These are the first measurements of neural inputs between ...


Real life brain studies: 3D brain-on-a-chip

To study brain cell's operation and test the effect of medication on individual cells, the conventional Petri dish with flat electrodes is not sufficient. For truly realistic studies, cells have to flourish within three-dimensional ...


How neural circuits implement natural vision

At any given moment, the neuronal circuits in the brain receive and process sensory information that permits us to perceive and interact with the environment. Yet it remains unclear how the visual brain processes natural ...


A cocktail party in a dish: How neurons filter the chatter

While dining with a friend at a noisy restaurant, you listen attentively to her entertaining account of last night's date. Despite the cacophony flooding your auditory system, your brain remarkably filters your friend's voice ...


Interneuron plasticity ensuring long-term memory formation

Understanding learning and memory processes is of fundamental importance to the study of brain function and provides valuable insights for disorders where these processes are disturbed. The current study of Pico Caroni from ...


A network of artificial neurons learns to use human language

A group of researchers from the University of Sassari (Italy) and the University of Plymouth (UK) has developed a cognitive model, made up of two million interconnected artificial neurons, able to learn to communicate using ...

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