Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain connectivity found to be disrupted in schizophrenia

Schizophrenia, a neurodevelopmental disorder that features psychosis among its symptoms, is thought to arise from disorganization in brain connectivity and functional integration. Now, a recent study in Biological Psychiatry: ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dyslexia could be linked to mixed-handedness

Researchers from the University of St Andrews have collaborated with a multinational team of researchers from Greece, the Netherlands, Germany, and the UK to explore the intriguing connection between hand preference and dyslexia.

Psychology & Psychiatry

A neurobehavioral signature of risk for mania

Mania, in which mood and energy level are extremely elevated for at least a week, and hypomania, which is less severe and lasts at least four days, are the defining features of bipolar spectrum disorders (BSD) and can be ...

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