
Losing money causes plastic changes in the brain

Researchers at the HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience have shown experimentally that economic activity can actively change the brain. Signals that predict regular financial losses evoke plastic changes in the cortex. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep loss hijacks brain's activity during learning

Sleep is crucial for consolidating our memories, and sleep deprivation has long been known to interfere with learning and memory. Now a new study shows that getting only half a night's sleep—as many medical workers and ...


Sleeping in on weekends won't erase your 'sleep debt'

For those who try to catch up on lost sleep during the weekend, French researchers have some bad news: Once Saturday and Sunday have come and gone, many will find they're still seriously short on sleep.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Auditory hallucinations rooted in aberrant brain connectivity

Auditory hallucinations, a phenomenon in which people hear voices or other sounds in the absence of external stimuli, are a feature of schizophrenia and some other neuropsychiatric disorders. How they arise in the brain has ...


Schizophrenia: when the thalamus misleads the ear

There is an extremely high probability that individuals with 22q11.2 micro deletion syndrome—a rare genetic disorder—will develop schizophrenia together with one of its most common symptoms, auditory hallucinations. Scientists ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Connecting the brain and consciousness

What is consciousness? What does it mean to be 'aware', and how is our consciousness connected to the physical brain? A recent thesis from Uppsala University explores the philosophical aspects of the issue, and proposes a ...

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