
Brain study aims to improve dyslexia treatment

Neuroscientist Sarah Laszlo wants to understand what's going on in children's brains when they're reading. Her research may untangle some of the mysteries surrounding dyslexia and lead to new methods of treating America's ...


Brain discovery could help schizophrenics

The discovery of brain impairment in mice may eventually lead to better therapies for people with schizophrenia and major depression.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Joyful notes: Testing the power of music to improve senior health

Music – as poets have noted – has the power to wash away the dust of everyday life, and medical experts believe it may also imbue physical and social benefits. Now a new UC San Francisco research project is exploring ...


Breaking habits before they start

Our daily routines can become so ingrained that we perform them automatically, such as taking the same route to work every day. Some behaviors, such as smoking or biting your fingernails, become so habitual that we can't ...

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