
Eva Peron may have had secret lobotomy: researchers

Eva Peron, the glamorous first lady of Argentina in the 1940s and 50s, may have been given a secret lobotomy shortly before her death at age 33, scientific researchers said in a new report.


Neurosurgeons champion brain bypass in select patients

A microsurgical procedure that has lost some ground to advances in endovascular therapy still plays a critical role in the management of selected neurovascular disorders, according to a University Hospitals Case Medical Center ...


Procedure can be simple fix for painful back condition

A minimally invasive spine procedure that takes about as much time as a tonsillectomy is an excellent option for some patients who suffer from a painful lower back condition, according to Christopher McPherson, MD, an assistant ...


Study finds brain regions go offline at different intervals

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new study shows that, rather than being an "all or nothing" phenomenon, regions of the human brain go silent at different times through the night, losing their ability to communicate during certain phases ...


UCSF neurosurgeons test new device for placing brain implants

A new MRI device that guides surgeons as they implant electrodes into the brains of people with Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders could change the way this surgery, called deep brain stimulation, is performed ...

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