
Surgery simulator for brain thrills neurosurgeons

In recently completed practical tests at the Department of Neurosurgery at Kepler University Hospital, Linz (Austria), a highly advanced brain surgery simulator has received overwhelming approval from experienced neurosurgeons. ...


Surgeons study 'awake aneurysm surgery' for better outcomes

In a first time study published in the August edition of the Journal of Neurosurgery, Saint Louis University surgeons and researchers report that the use of conscious sedation - also called "awake brain surgery" - allowed ...


Flat head syndrome usually not serious for infants

The number of infants who develop flat head syndrome—deformational plagiocephaly—has increased significantly since the start of the Back to Sleep campaign to combat Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in the 1990s.

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

With Parkinson's disease, countering symptoms is key

Parkinson's disease isn't the kind of affliction that will kill most people. Instead, it creeps up slowly and progressively destroys the quality of life of those who develop it.

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