Autism spectrum disorders

Brainwave activity reveals potential biomarker for autism in children

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can impair communication ability, socialization, and verbal and motor skills. It generally starts in early childhood and is diagnosed through behavior observation. ...


Researchers explain how LSD changes perception

Psychedelic drugs such as LSD have a profound impact on human consciousness, particularly perception. Researchers at Yale and the University of Zurich provide new insight into the psychedelic effects of LSD on the brain and ...


Brain implant could stop epilepsy seizures

For many people who suffer from neurological disorders, such as epilepsy, there are no viable treatment options. In our latest research, we developed an implantable device that may one day offer relief. We show that the implant ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientist explores the nexus between appetite and psychology

Rachel Herz, an adjunct assistant professor in Brown's Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, arrives at an East Greenwich, Rhode Island, café feeling stressed. She'd lost a document when her computer crashed and she ...


Cannabidiol prevents nausea in rats

A non-psychoactive compound derived from marijuana could potentially be developed into new anti-nausea treatments for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, suggests research in rats published in eNeuro. The study represents ...


Alcohol withdrawal can be deadly – here's why

Alcohol damages the brain, heart, liver and pancreas, and it increases the risk of some cancers, such as mouth and bowel cancer. It also weakens the immune system, making people more vulnerable to infectious diseases, such ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mutation links bipolar disorder to mitochondrial disease

Mutations in the gene ANT1 may confer a risk for bipolar disorder through a complex interplay between serotonin and mitochondrial signaling in the brain. These two pathways have been separately implicated in bipolar disorder, ...

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