Medical research

Time-restricted eating improves health of firefighters

Firefighters are the heroes of our society, protecting us around the clock. But those 24-hour shifts are hard on the body and increase the risk of cardiometabolic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, as well as cancer. ...


To baby brains, language is language, whether signed or spoken

Baby brains are hungry for language. New parents are urged to talk to their babies to help their minds develop properly. Now, a group of UConn researchers have shown that "talking" doesn't just mean speech—sign language ...


Study debunks concerns about baby feeding methods

What, and how, a baby is fed can weigh on a caregiver's mind. Thankfully, a University of Otago-led study has found two popular, but somewhat controversial, methods appear to have little significant impact on infants' appetite ...


Eight common questions new parents ask about vitamin K

Vitamin K is a nutrient that helps blood clot or stop bleeding. Most adults get vitamin K from their food. Bacteria in the large intestines also make some vitamin K that the body can absorb.

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