
Free-range parenting laws letting kids roam could catch on

After Utah passed the country's first law legalizing so-called free-range parenting, groups in states from New York to Texas are pushing for similar steps to bolster the idea that supporters say is an antidote for anxiety-plagued ...


Do young children learn anything from YouTube videos?

In a new Acta Paediatrica study, children up to 2 years of age could be entertained and kept busy by their parents showing them YouTube clips on smartphones, but they did not learn anything from the videos.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Reassuring kids after another senseless tragedy

(HealthDay)—As news pours in from Las Vegas on the record level of carnage inflicted by a shooter at yet another crowded public event, psychiatrists urge young people and their parents to not give way to fear.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Helping ease kids' fears after Manchester terror attack

(HealthDay)—As reports of the carnage at Monday's Ariana Grande show in Manchester, England, continue to pour in, many teens with tickets to concerts during the coming summer music season may be reluctant to attend an event.


More risks on school playgrounds linked to happier children

(HealthDay)—Children from schools with greater risk and challenge in the playground environment report being happier at school and playing with more children, according to a study published online April 24 in Pediatrics.

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