
Moisturising newborns prevents allergies: Japan study

Applying moisturiser to a newborn baby's skin could help prevent eczema and even food allergies in later life, possibly offering a cheap and easy way to combat a growing global problem, a Japanese institute said Friday.


Giving the breath of life to infants

For several Edmonton parents, the work being done by University of Alberta researchers Po-Yin Cheung and Georg Schmölzer could not be more meaningful. Cheung and Schmölzer's efforts are focused on the resuscitation of newborn ...


Should whole-genome sequencing become part of newborn screening?

Should whole-genome sequencing be used in the public-health programs that screen newborns for rare conditions? That question is likely to stir debate in coming years in many of the more-than-60 countries that provide newborn ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression during pregnancy and early motherhood

University of York researchers and their clinical NHS colleagues are expanding a project to investigate the health and wellbeing of newborn babies and their parents to include a study of depression during pregnancy and early ...

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