
Parents of newborn babies not aware of consequences of screening

A team of University of Manchester researchers have found that changes are urgently needed in how parents are informed about newborn bloodspot screening to ensure they understand it and its consequences for them and their ...


Are you ready to explore baby's genome?

When you have a baby, a nurse or a phlebotomist performs a heel stick to take a few drops of blood from your infant and sends it off to a state lab for a battery of tests. Most of the time, you never hear about the results ...


Study looks at how parents use newborn screening results

Newborn screening is considered to be a "baby's first test." Within the first two days of birth, a baby's heel is pricked to obtain a small amount of blood that is screened for up to dozens of genetic diseases, especially ...

Medical research

DNA sequencing uncovers latent risk for developing cystic fibrosis

A study by researchers at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), Brigham and Women's Hospital and the California Department of Public Health suggests that all babies with a known mutation for cystic fibrosis (CF) and second ...

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