Oncology & Cancer

Media coverage drives some misperceptions about cancer

People need and want recent information about cancer in order to make decisions about how they might manage their personal prevention, detection, treatment, survivorship, and end-of-life efforts. To get that information, ...


News source may steer perceived solution to childhood obesity

Where you get your news could play a significant role in determining what you perceive as the best strategy for addressing childhood obesity. According to a study led by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Q&A: How to find a good, well-staffed nursing home

Few people want to go into a nursing home, but doing so can be the right choice if you or a loved one is physically or cognitively disabled or recovering from surgery.


The sneaky ways junk food brands get positive news coverage

Public health experts are calling for government action to protect Australians from the influence of the unhealthy food, alcohol, and advertising industries, after new research published today unveiled the "sly" ways they ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

4 tips to help kids to cope with COVID-19 anxiety

The news coverage on COVID-19 is pervasive, persistent, and in my view as a professor of psychiatry, perilous. Sometimes it seems as though the pandemic is all we talk about.

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